Friday, August 05, 2011

Tragedy of the Commons, Marin Style

The recent announcement by Tom Peters, President of the Marin Community Foundation that they will withdraw support for the Marin Youth Center is a tragic move at this time of economic hardship, removing a commons that was an important beacon of light to our young people. The Marin Community Foundation should add programs such as a job training program to this vibrant center, not shut it down

You'll find more in this Marin Independent Journal article by Jessica Bernstein-Wax  Marin Youth Center in San Rafael closing this month

Closing the Marin Youth Center is a tragedy, and will hurt the youth of Marin. I've seen first hand the work that they do to provide a drug free, alcohol free safe place for young people. They provide programs in media education that are a model for the Bay Area. With the MYC closed, where are young people going to go? Jobs are scarce, After School programs were cut back, but gangs are expanding. The "jobs" program sounds nice, but doesn't need to displace this outstanding program for Marin young people. The MYC also provides important health education to a vulnerable population. The Marin Foundation board should reconsider this ill advised move and keep this vital program - it supports the best amongst us and provides a healthy alternative for vulnerable youth. 

As the Michael Eisenmenger, Executive Director of the Community Media Center of Marin said recently: 

The staff who have fostered the center are truly talented youth facilitators and their departure will be another great loss to the Marin youth and nonprofit community. The youth culinary program was running full steam and it was a marvel to see that youth-run cafe in action - yet another sad loss.

City leaders should be alarmed and concerned at this development. Marin as a whole offers it's youth few creative outlets and virtually no gathering spaces like the MYC that they can call their own. I fear the shortsightedness of this decision will soon be evident in the streets of Marin as youth are dispersed and fragmented in aimless abandon.  In a few short years, city and county leaders will be citing the need for 'youth at risk' programs and  . . . the need for another youth center.

We are thrilled the computer clubhouse survived this wave of cuts - and CMCM will continue to offer our support to that extraordinary program - and to the youth of Marin. We just wish the center as a whole could remain intact - it really is irreplaceable.

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